Synopsis: Takes audiences behind locked doors of high-security laboratories and into the world of those who experiment on animals. Sentient is a...
JoinedAugust 18, 2021
Synopsis: Art and science collide on a psychedelic odyssey through the patterns of nature that set out to reveal the...
Synopsis: Follows a squad of Australian Para Ice Hockey players as they vie for a place on the first-ever Australian...
Synopsis: Follows two Melbourne doctors using a synthetic version of the naturally occurring psychedelic, psilocybin, to assist patients in palliative...
Synopsis: Arthur Gbeme has moved back into his Western Sydney childhood home. As he tells it, he has “put his...
Synopsis: Set three years after Sweet Country, Wolfram continues the story of Philomac, now 17 and still living under the watchful eye of...
Synopsis: Therese Thorne, who has married a wealthy older man and built a successful career, only for a fraud investigation...
Synopsis: Regarded as one of the most egregious policy failures in Australian government history, the scandal resulted in Australia’s largest...