Silver Trak launches Media Room enhanced media storage, management and delivery


According to Silver Trak MD Christian Christiansen the company’s launch of their groundbreaking Media Room enhanced media storage, management and delivery service came about as a desire to provide not only cloud-based media management but also “access to all Silver Trak’s services, from your desktop, 24/7 from anywhere in the world”.

Christiansen explained, “Media Room addresses the specific needs of any broadcaster, production house, post production house or distributor who has media assets they want to store, manage and deliver from the convenience of any web connected device. In simple terms it gives the user 100% control over their assets and the ability to use Silver Trak’s services such as QC, file storage or Aspera fasp™ high speed data transfers without paying any licence fees and without leaving the comfort of your seat.”

Aspera’s patented fasp™ transport technology is a proven standard for the high-speed movement of large files or large collections of files over wide area networks (WANs) with the company, newly acquired by IBM, recently topping over 2000 customers worldwide.

Media Room, already having received significant praise for its easy to use interface, is specifically targetted at companies and organisations large and small who wish to store, manage and deliver their assets online at anytime. Developed specifically in-house at Silver Trak, Media Room gives its users an incredible amount of flexibility in terms of asset management and delivery at very competitive prices. Unlike many other cloud-based solutions which start with low-res proxies, Media Room has been designed from the ground up to support the upload and storage of high-res broadcast files and thus fully supports broadcast file workflows.

Media Room’s offering doesn’t end with storage and management of media assets. The system has been designed to allow for assets to be viewed in customised ‘media rooms’ where users can decide on access and viewing rights thereby enabling a personalised viewing service for their clients. Once viewed the assets can also be delivered anywhere in the world at the click of a button. Assets are automatically transcoded into five proxies and data selection is automated for any browser enabling a superior viewing experience irrespective of viewing device or speed of Internet access.

Christiansen said, “Media Room is unlike any other service. There is no charge to upload or populate your own Media Room and aside from your small monthly subscription, you only pay when you use any of Media Room or Silver Trak’s services. All assets are stored redundantly and all are easily accessible at anytime. This means our clients, many of whom are dealing with their own international clients, can upload, view, amend and deliver those assets 24/7. Noone need be restricted any longer by office hours, plane schedules or expensive courier deliveries.”

Media Room is 100% automated and according to Christiansen this creates significant cost savings that Silver Trak in turn passes onto its clients and users of Media Room.

“We tell people to think of it this way – as a user of Media Room you can create as many rooms as you like. They can be ‘skinned’ to look and feel like they are from and created by your organisation. In those rooms you can store any assets you choose, pilots, screeners, trailers, TVCs, entire series – the list is endless. Once stored you give access via individual logins to that room to whoever you choose, in effect giving them their own personal screening of that asset from anywhere in the world on any web connected device. The assets are all QC’d via the industry-renowned Interra Baton system with the QC reports readily available. When you’re ready you can send proxies as well as the high res assets using the infrastructure we’ve built on the world-class and industry standard Aspera platform. It really is as easy as that.”

It’s Media Room’s all round capabilities for the companies wanting to store, manage and deliver their assets that Christiansen says is the key to the service’s success concluding, “By using Media Room you can upload your assets via our Aspera platform from any web connected PC or laptop. Your customers can then view those same assets from any of their web connected devices including tablets and smartphones. Then, once you and your clients are ready you can deliver those assets. You can manage and control your media, your way, in your own time from wherever you wish without changing your internal workflows. As long as you can connect to the web all of Media Room functionality and capability is now at your fingertips. As if that wasn’t enough in the very near future Media Room is also being expanded to offer users access to broadcast quality services that include transcoding and frame rate conversion amongst many others, so watch this space.”

Media Room is live, being used by Silver Trak clients and can be accessed at:

Visit the Silver Trak team and get a demo of Media Room at this year’s NAB show on the Aspera booth SL8511 in the Lower South Hall. To book and secure your meeting in advance contact Christian Christiansen on 0423 492 998 or at