Playwright-screenwriter Nathan Maynard and author-screenwriter Adam Thompson have come together to form kutikina Productions, with the company to co-produce Digital Originals series Moonbird alongside Rummin Productions.
Screen Australia, SBS and NITV have announced seven projects from this year’s Digital Originals initiative to receive development funding, with three titles from the group to eventually go into production.
Matthew Newton’s decision to step down as the director of Eve has been widely welcomed on social media - but many have questioned why Jessica Chastain has not quit as the star and producer
The hot-button feature directed by Newton was praised by Variety's Joe Leydon as a "compelling indie drama".
Matthew Newton's second feature as writer/director Three Blind Mice has finally been picked up for local distribution
Flickerfest turns turn Bondi into Paris for a day with this new exciting trailer co-written by Gracie Otto and Matthew Newton.
Flickerfest turns turn Bondi into Paris for a day with this new exciting trailer co-written by Gracie Otto and Matthew Newton.
Flickerfest launched its 18th annual program at an intimate star-studded event at Bondi's Icebergs Dining Room and Bar on Tuesday December 9.