Ron Cobb to speak at the Creative Masters Forum

Renowned film industry artist Ron Cobb, to speak at the Creative Masters Forum 2008, presented by Autodesk.

About Ron Cobb
Ron’s art has had a profound influence on modern popular culture through his work with the likes of Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ridley Scott & Jim Cameron. His artistic talents have been commissioned by these iconic directors to assist them developing their vision from concept to creation, and ultimately to the big screen. Ron has an astounding list of screen credits including Star Wars, Alien, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Conan the Barbarian, Back to the Future, Aliens, The Abyss, Total Recall, True Lies, The Sixth Day and Cats & Dogs.

Ron has also been commissioned as a screenwriter (Includes an episode of The Twilight Zone), a film director and is also renowned as a political cartoonist.

About the Conference, Concept to Creation
The key focus is in the areas of the workflow from conceptual art and design to creative production in film and TV production. It is an essential seminar for those industry professionals who want to know more about the origins of computer graphics imagery ‘CGI’ and the translation of conception into screen reality. This conference will explore the use of traditional freehand drawing, the use of technology and the flow of conceptual art into the production, to the 3D animation and effects departments of film and TV productions.

Ron Cobb will take us through his incredible journey with Hollywood productions spanning over 30 years. From his first break in the industry with Disney, to his involvement in the production of iconic films that used his concepts and imagery inspired by the screenplay and the director’s interpretations. With the original artworks on hand, Ron will walk us through his artistic interpretations, and how he worked with the director’s and writer’s visions.

Joining Ron on stage will be some of Australia’s leading artists and animators who utilise conceptual art and storyboards for their productions in film, television commercials and game design & development.

This conference is developed for all industry professionals who work with the early concept designs of machinery, creatures, environments and virtual sets. From storyboard artists, concept designers through to the modelers, animators, and visual effects artists. This event facilitates networking amongst industry peers who are senior professional designers in the film, broadcast, design and visualisation areas.

Key Industry Brands
In addition to Autodesk, are strategically involved industry brands Lenovo, Wacom, AFTRS & VCA. These organisations are committed to supplying cutting edge solutions and education to the industry.

Conference Details
Please check for regular updates.

Sydney Dates: 1-2 October 2008 – AFTRS – The Entertainment Quarter

Melbourne Dates: To be announced soon.

(Limited seating available)

Day 1 (Evening) – Registration & Opening Drinks night
7:00pm: Registration
8:00pm: Opening Cocktail Party & Lenovo New Product Launch

Day 2 (Full Day) – Conference Day
8:00am: – Registration
9:00am: – Conference
(Includes Lunch, Coffee & Tea)
5:00pm: – 7:00pm Industry Networking Drinks
(All pricing is in Australian Dollars)

Conference Fee: $990 Inc GST (Special Earlybird booking available till 31 August)

Speakers Dinner: $198 Inc GST

* Special Earlybird "First in" tickets are soon to be released.

This special includes:
* Limited edition numbered and hand signed print by Ron Cobb (Numbering assigned on a "First In" basis).
* 40% discount ($594 inc GST) off the Standard Conference Fee ($990 inc GST)
* Priority notice of any special announcements, screenings
* Entry into special "First in" prize draw
* DVD Documentary – Creative Masters Series – Introducing Ron Cobb

To receive advance notice of ticket availability, register your email address at the link below.

About the Creative Masters Forum
The Creative Masters Forum is a series of conferences, workshops and master classes that showcase the masters of the various creative art forms. The forum is a platform where industry professionals are not only mentored by master craftspersons but have the opportunity to interact with their industry peers. The Creative Masters Forum has been strategically developed with Autodesk as a global industry resource and event brand.

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