Synopsis: Inspired by Peter Doyle’s acclaimed true crime book, Suburban Noir is a character-driven series told through the original lens...
JoinedAugust 18, 2021
Synopsis: Based on the book from bestselling author, Ilsa Evans, The Unusual Abduction of Avery Conifer follows two women who find themselves...
Synopsis: The story of Tana Douglas – the world’s first rock ‘n roll female roadie – who has shared tour...
Synopsis: This three-part docu-series tells the incredible trajectory of how in just one century creating babies in the lab has...
Synopsis: In our lifetimes, the Pacific has lived through one of the most shocking chapters of modern human history: 315...
Synopsis: An intergenerational comedy-drama that follows the build-up to an apartment complex fire that captivates the city. Soon, every tenant...
Synopsis: A disgraced athletics coach’s attempts to start his own squad, where training is coupled with unconventional lessons in philosophy,...
Synopsis: In a high-stakes noir thriller, a down-and-out PI, Veronica Coltrane, uncovers a dark conspiracy. Framed for murder, she is...