Synopsis: Compelling and astonishing, Nick Cave’s acclaimed first novel is a fantastic journey into a world of Gothic tragedy. Director:...
JoinedAugust 18, 2021
Synopsis: A loner with a tornado for a head searches for love (and a quick root) in a strange Tasmanian...
Synopsis: Blurring the lines between fiction and reality, the host of a quasi-successful entrepreneurial podcast goes to increasingly dangerous and...
Synopsis: Bardolph and Gallus are two protectors of The Between, a realm where the dead go to cleanse or lustrate...
Synopsis: A group of advertising misfits from the minority bench are transformed into Mad Men for the woke age when...
Synopsis: Kaka is an affluent Kenyan student living in Fremantle, attending a prestigious business school on family dime and barely...
Synopsis: Pick Up follows Koen, a musician on the cusp of fame, battling a chronic illness. Introduced to fecal transplants, he begins...
Synopsis: Wishes is an animated series about a five-year-old girl, Lucy, and her young Guardian-creature Kino. Whenever Lucy feels the struggles of...