Synopsis: Alexander Fox begins an idyllic new life in the tiny sovereign state of Andorra after a personal tragedy, determined...
JoinedAugust 18, 2021
Synopsis: The story behind the birth of the ‘Western Desert Art Movement’ in Australia told for the first time, through...
Synopsis: This drama tells the story of Oscar’s Wilde’s wife Constance Lloyd, leader of the dress reform movement that led...
Synopsis: A woman is haunted in her artificially intelligent smart home after undergoing a revolutionary biotechnological procedure. Director: Cole SmithWriter:...
Synopsis: Pankaj, a young Indian, just arrived in Australia. The canteen lady, Marie, will protect him from bullies but their...
Synopsis: In a world tainted by shadows and male dominance, two tenacious female detectives unravel a heinous web of police...
Synopsis: Unkown Director: Kim Mordaunt Production Company: Carver Films...
Synopsis: Beginning in Sheffield, England in 1989 with an all-encompassing romance between teenagers Daniel and Alison, the story follows their...