Synopsis: A 13-year-old with an uncanny resemblance to her immigrant grandmother becomes a conduit for the severed past. Writer: Sara...
JoinedAugust 18, 2021
Synopsis: Shy teen, Rhea Reid, develops an intense relationship with a charismatic young mother who claims to be her daughter...
Synopsis: A Muslim contemporary dancer, on the cusp of a career breakthrough, is struck down by mysterious seizures that force...
Synopsis: A grieving mother learns to parent her daughter in the afterlife. Writer: Santilla ChingaipeDirector: Santilla ChingaipeProducer: Robert Connolly Production...
Synopsis: Sick of bouncing around from home to home, a misfit teen tracks down their absent father hoping to rebuild...
Synopsis: Max’s road-trip to Melbourne and reconciliation with his estranged father is hijacked by three peculiar Athenians who are secretly...
Synopsis: Sydney, 1983: 10-year-old Croatian-Australian Julie is ostracized by her schoolmates, who accuse her of being connected to the notorious...
Synopsis: While holidaying in a small rural town surrounded by vast farmland and wilderness, Sally and Henry, an older unmarried...