Synopsis: In an act of defiance, two thirteen-year-olds in a polio rehab ward determine they won’t let their dreams and...
JoinedAugust 18, 2021
Synopsis: 19th century Ireland: as the Catholic church wages war against pagan beliefs, three women conspire to banish a changeling. Writer: Hannah...
Synopsis: In a desperate bid to spare her childhood friend from certain death on the Western Front, a young woman strikes...
Synopsis: When the horrible Mr and Mrs Phoney move into Number 45 and start ruining everything, the adventurous kids of Stella...
Synopsis: Set a task of ‘dinosauric’ proportions by ancient forces, our two pre-teen heroes, Gidgee and Tim, realise they are capable...
Synopsis: While caring for her foster father, an ex-underground fighter greets her brother out of jail and helps him plan...
Synopsis: A young cop who needs to overcome a sex addiction in order to hold down his job. Unfortunately, Aiden’s...
Synopsis: Finding themselves in a remote part of the Tasmanian wilderness, Misha and Myaree are engineers tasked with locating suitable...