Synopsis: Inspired by actual events, the central character Esme, who is motherless and irrepressibly curious, spends her childhood in the...
JoinedAugust 18, 2021
Synopsis: In a small riverside town, a letter arrives in each letterbox suggesting that there is a pedophile in town;...
Synopsis: When freshly-minted 50-year-old Kay is told to go and “live her life” after surviving breast cancer, she realises her...
Synopsis: A Zimbabwean Engineer takes up a contract in Tasmania in an effort to escape her troubled past. But once...
Synopsis: In 1972 Tasmania, one woman stared down the government and formed the first Green Party in the world. Driven...
Synopsis: To make it to her daughter’s wedding, terminally ill Beth must survive 3000 kms in the back of a...
Synopsis: A community band from a small Tasmanian town and how it grew to become the best in the world....
Synopsis: Be careful who you hire to fix your toilet. Not all plumbers are as nice as “Kenny”… Writer: Sean...