Synopsis: Kayla, a couch-surfing young woman in need of a home, sets out to find her estranged cousin who can...
JoinedAugust 18, 2021
Synopsis: Based on the highly acclaimed, award-winning debut novel, this adaptation transforms the bitter-sweet coming-of-age story where Hong Kong cinema,...
Synopsis: Seeking asylum in Australia, an Iranian journalist is required to sign a Code of Behaviour which prohibits him from...
Synopsis: 10-year-old Justine Lee lives in a dangerous world of male violence in the rural underclass on the beautiful banks...
Synopsis: The film follows Killian Jones, a Queensland police sergeant in the Outback mining town of Kirriemuir, as he investigates...
Synopsis: After losing her own son to cancer, a grieving single mother kidnaps another child, which she then befriends to...
Synopsis: Two neighbours find their lives thrown into chaos when the wall between their apartments decides that they belong together. ...
Synopsis: The last city left on Earth, an absurdly overpopulated dystopian metropolis surrounded by a malevolent forest inhabited by a...