The documentary was directed by veteran filmmaker Judy Rymer (Message from Moree, All Points of the Compass, Frank and Daz Take On The World, Poles Apart: The Blue Poles Controversy) and produced by Rymer and Lois Harris.
Deadpool remains on top at the Australian box office after four weeks.
Boondock Alley is an unconventional take on the zombie genre: a series about a doctor's surgery for the undead.
The Saturday Paper's Martin McKenzie-Murray hosted the HBO show's producer-editor, Zac Stuart-Pontier, and its producer-cinematographer, Marc Smerling.
Screen Australia CEO Graeme Mason described the series as "bold, innovative, and compelling documentaries [that] will explore the place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Australia in the months leading up to the proposed 2017 Referendum
Kicking off the Australian International Documentary Conference with a presentation entitled The Future is Now, Screen Australia CEO Graeme Mason flagged the urgency of understanding the current landscape, and foreshadowed - bravely, given the audience -
Temple will be at AIDC to talk about his success with shows such as the BAFTA-nominated The Family.
Black Talk will focus on "inspiring indigenous storytellers and filmmakers, and drawing them into the school", Sherriff tells IF.