Synopsis: A downtrodden library clerk trades places with his charismatic doppelgänger, starring in a theatre production that delivers him adulation...
JoinedJuly 19, 2017
Synopsis: When an investigation into his daughter’s illness leads to signs of a shadowy government agency experimenting with the subconscious,...
Synopsis: When Margot, a modern-day, ‘hypermarginalised’ and deeply malcontent costume designer is thrown into memories of her past life as...
Synopsis: A window into life after oversharing, Have I Said Too Much? is a half-hour drama series that follows UK...
Synopsis: A comedy crime caper about deception, family and discovering what it takes to get filthy rich. ‘The Grot’ is...
Synopsis: Off the back of a career-defining story, journalist Charlotte Barber returns home to Launceston, Tasmania to make a podcast;...
Synopsis: On an expiring visa, a desperate Chinese graduate picks up easy work as a Mandarin interpreter hoping to stay...
Synopsis: In an unstable future where major corporation Organicore mass-produces artificial food for every Australian, a naive Deaf teenage girl...