Synopsis: Based on the novel by Robbie Arnott, a young woman with a magical secret flees her cursed family after...
JoinedJuly 19, 2017
Synopsis: After taking a job as a legal transcriptionist, a failing performer fights a losing battle with the transcript of...
Synopsis: A depressed physicist accidentally strands herself in the year 2000 and decides to mentor her own younger self, underestimating...
Synopsis: When a recently disgraced high-school debater is moved to a small coastal town to recover from unspeakable humiliation, rumours...
Synopsis: When a group of kids discover super powered creatures (Combatoms) in their small town, they must race to harness...
Synopsis: In 1740’s rural Ireland, the already hard lives of an elder healer and her daughter are irrevocably changed when...
Synopsis: When the massive almost completed Bruny Island bridge is blown up, Astrid returns home to Tasmania after 20 years...
Synopsis: When an Indian-Australian detective, Celeste Pritchard, investigates a high-stakes Bollywood film crime plot at a luxurious Melbourne hotel, she...