Synopsis: The friendship between two 14 year old girls is pushed to breaking point on a gruelling year nine camp...
JoinedJuly 19, 2017
Synopsis: When a rudderless young woman discovers that her traumatised family has lied to her about her heritage, she is...
Synopsis: A young woman visits the island factory of Rossum’s Universal Robots to emancipate the robots from capitalist exploitation, with...
Synopsis: Carla, a young woman immersed in an unravelling relationship attempts to save her marriage by leading her husband, Clark,...
Synopsis: When ten-year-old Lucy is banned from competing in the 1978 regional athletic trials, she fights to enter the first...
Synopsis: Obsessed with living up to her dead father’s legacy a young sheriff finds her mettle tested when locals are...
Synopsis: Fourteen-year-old Cal Grogan struggles with the pressure of his father’s expectations, his emerging sexuality and wrestling with his adolescent...
Synopsis: Photo Booth is the story of Jean Bouchet, a renowned performance artist past her prime childbearing years who desperately...