Synopsis: Struggling shoe shop owner, Azubuike, attempts to reconnect with his 10-year-old son,Obinna. Director: Kalu Oji Producers: Ivy Mutuku, Mimo Mukii Writer:...
JoinedJuly 19, 2017
Synopsis: Paradise is the true, devastatingly beautiful love story of two young men who meet in offshore detention on Nauru...
Synopsis: A girl with anxiety rushes to fix herself when she’s sucked into her own body, which is a series...
Synopsis: New Year’s Eve 1999, Minnie discovers a time travelling tequila that takes her back to the start of the...
Synopsis: Based on the critically acclaimed novel by Alice Pung, One Hundred Days is a psychological drama/thriller about motherhood, autonomy,...
Synopsis: Omar, a young gay Lebanese Australian, determined not to return to dangerous sex work and life on the streets,...
Synopsis: Continuing on from Occupation Rainfall, Earth’s survivors must face the final onslaught of the Alien invaders and band together...
Synopsis: A detective returns to his family horse wrangling ranch to check on his dying grandmother, only to unearth a...