Synopsis: Once a contented New Yorker with a tight-knit circle of friends, composer Arky Levin has become a lost and...
JoinedJuly 19, 2017
Synopsis: When Ruby, 13, suffers injuries from a serious accident, her perfect dreams of a perfect dancing career are shattered....
Synopsis: Raised in her father’s insular art world, Grace has become a strange and cloistered woman, consumed by her job...
Synopsis: As waves of polio epidemics sweep the world, a fiery bush nurse travels to America with her revolutionary treatment....
Synopsis: When gifted computer scientist Beth Francis, resurrects her dead sister in the form of an Artificial Consciousness, she hopes...
Synopsis: Starlet Anna wins the role of a lifetime, but her director’s intentions may not be entirely artistic. Director: Rachele...
Synopsis: A genderqueer 21-year-old is propelled into a complicated sexual awakening, while they wrestle the angst and restlessness of a...
The Spanish Film Festival, presented by Palace, returns from June 14 across Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Brisbane and Byron...