Synopsis: Based on Sally Piper’s novel by the same names. Three female school friends in past and present timeframes are...
JoinedJuly 19, 2017
Synopsis: A culinary snapshot of Tuscany, based on Australian food authors Stephanie Alexander and Maggie Beer’s best-seller Tuscan Cookbook. Writer:...
Synopsis: Rival siblings must team up to investigate bloody murders and weird disappearances and super stuff they suspect are caused...
Synopsis: Freshly-dumped entrepreneur Samantha is resentful and unable to move on when she suffers a mysterious accident and wakes up...
Synopsis: Prima Facie follows Tessa, an ambitious and confident defense attorney from working class roots. A rising star in the high-powered...
Castlemaine Documentary Festival (C-Doc) has announced its 2023 program, bringing a selection of eight Australian and international feature-length films, along with...
Synopsis: Plot under wraps. Director: Simon McQuoidProducers: James Wan, Michael Clear, Todd Garner, Simon McQuoid, E. Bennett WalshWriter: Jeremy Slater...
MIFF has been continuously running since 1952, making it one of the world’s oldest film festivals, alongside Cannes and Berlin....