Avery wins Cannes Jury award

Melbourne based filmmaker Julius Avery’s short film Jerrycan has today received the Jury Award at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival.
In a Jury headed by Sean Penn, Avery received the special mention Jury Award – which is the second highest accolade to be handed out at the official Cannes Award ceremony on Sunday evening in France.

Set in regional Victoria, and using non-actors, Jerrycan shows a day in the life of a group of kids with nothing to do. Julius was in Cannes to receive the Award.

“It’s really an amazing endorsement to be awarded at Cannes” said Julius Avery, “when I heard them announce Jerrycan, I stood up and everyone applauded… it was amazing. It’s a pretty humbling experience”

Jerrycan screened on Saturday 24 May at Cannes, this marks the beginning of the films festival run. It will have its Australian premiere at The Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) in July where Julius is part of the Accelerator program for emerging filmmakers.

In 2006, Julius won the MIFF Emerging Filmmaker Award for his short film End Of Town and also the IF Award for best un-produced screenplay for the feature script which is a re-imaging of the short film of the same name. The feature End of Town is currently being developed with Plus Films.

Director of photography Adam Arkapaw (MIFF Accelerator Alumni 2007) is currently attached to a number of Julius Avery projects and was also nominated for an AFI Award for his work on End of Town

Jerrycan is produced by Stuart Parkyn, who’s film The Saviour was Oscar nominated last year.

Renegade Films, who have a long association with Avery are attached to Jerrycan as Associate Producers and are currently working with Julius to develop his feature film Roadstory.

Check out the trailer for Jerrycan here.

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