SPAA announces election results

Press release from SPAA

The Screen Producers Association of Australia (SPAA) has conducted its annual elections for office bearers for 2011/12. The results are as follows:

President – Brian Rosen (Tree Australia)

Vice President – Sue Taylor (Taylor Media)

SPAA Councillors

Feature Film – Ben Grant (Goalpost Pictures) and David Redman (Instinct Entertainment)

Television – Paul Barron (Great Western Entertainment) and Ros Tatarka (CreatEve)

Documentary – Chris Hilton (Essential Media & Entertainment) and Andrew Ogilvie (Electric Pictures)

Animation and New Media – Jennifer Wilson (The Project Factory)

Services and Facilities– Alaric McAusland (Deluxe Australia)

On behalf of SPAA, Geoff Brown would like to extend his special thanks to outgoing office holders Antony I. Ginnane (President), Bob Campbell (Vice President), and Jenny Lalor and Daniel Scharf (Councillors).