Applications are open for Australians in Film’s (AiF) Heath Ledger Scholarship, which is returning after a two-year hiatus.
Australians in Film (AiF) and Screen Australia have announced the five participants to advance to the next stage of Untapped, a talent development program that aims to support the next generation of undiscovered and underrepresented Australian screen voices.
The current production boom is a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity for Australia to re-establish itself as a powerful filmmaking country, according to Animal Logic co-founder and CEO Zareh Nalbandian.
Screen Australia and Australians in Film (AiF) have launched two joint initiatives for creatives to expand their skills and increase their chances of success in the global market.
Australians in Film (AiF) has announced the 10 ambassadors for its inaugural Untapped online professional development program.
Australians in Film has partnered with the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and Screen Australia to launch Untapped, a breakthrough talent development program for undiscovered and underrepresented filmmakers.
Australians in Film (AiF) has welcomed several new board members as it works to provide professional development opportunities for its members and industry partners during the pandemic.
While riding the 2020 ‘corona-coaster’ the world not only became collective experts in baking sourdough, but also in finding new ways to keep our momentum and connection, writes producer Julie Eckersley.