A stop-motion animation story about a young telemarketer who receives a disconcerting revelation from a flightless bird won Best Australian Short Film at the MIFF Shorts Awards on Thursday.
A French comedy following an oddball duo on an unconventional road trip and an Australian documentary about four refugees that compete in the World Wine Blind Tasting Championships have topped the audience awards at this year's Sydney Film Festival.
James Vaughan's feature debut 'Friends & Strangers' is a satire that explores the drift of 20-something life.
Jen Peedom's 'River' and Ben Lawrence's 'Ithaka' add to the already strong contingent of local films bound for August's Melbourne International Film Festival, which unveiled its full program today.
When Australian films 'Friends and Strangers' and 'Lone Wolf' screened at the International Film Festival of Rotterdam this week, it was the culmination of a decade's worth of work between their respective directors.