Adimex releases CINEMA 4D R11.5

CINEMA 4D Release 11.5 core application contains everything you need to create high-end 3D images and animations. For those artists whose work demands more than the basic application, MAXON provides numerous seamlessly integrated modules which can be purchased individually or in affordable bundles. For specific industries, such as architecture and broadcasting, MAXON also offers Editions that contain specially tailored functionality.

The new re-tooled Picture Viewer in R11.5 lets you to compare test renders so that you can see which changes to lighting, materials, render settings or other elements work best. The new RAM Player lets you step through or play back the frames in an animation that have already been finished, even while the rest of the animation is still being rendered and sound scrubbing allows you to check how well the audio syncs up with the rendered frames. The new Layer list allows you to adjust the blending mode and strength of your multi-pass layers directly in CINEMA 4D.

In R11.5 subpolygon displacement is prepared up to seven times faster on a quad-core machine, for example, enabling you to give surfaces an incredible amount of detail, using simple textures and shaders.

The new ‘Bucket’ renderer results in faster renders and memory handling has been vastly improved for instances, arrays, clones and duplicates. As a result you can now quickly render billions of polygons on a modestly equipped computer.

The motion graphics module MoGraph has been upgraded to version 2 and provides powerful new motion graphics functionality including: MoDynamics, an optimized physics simulation package with which hundreds of objects can easily be made to collide or be affected by such forces as gravity or friction; PolyFX for providing quick and easy explosion effects; MoSpline for cloning existing splines and animating them with forces and effectors; and many more exciting features for broadcast artists.

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