Web parody explores Aussie way-of-life

From director Tony Rogers (Wilfred) and writer Rob Hibbert (Images You Should Not Masturbate To) comes How to Talk Australians, a comedy web series set in an Indian call centre training college.

Presented in the format of an elaborate educational video, the series delivers a satirical take on the Australian way of life. An assembly of Indian teachers dissect our national identity, as they perform re-enactments, conduct lectures in linguistics, and attempt impersonations of famous Australians.

Mining the depths of every aspect of the Australian stereotype, the 8-part series presents us with a unique outsider’s perspective, and asks us to visit that most Australian trait: to laugh at ourselves.

Produced by Jason Byrne, How to Talk Australians stars Vishal Kotak, Jeffrey Dsouza, Chum Ehelepola, Robert Santiago, Vikrant Narain, Sybil Quadros, Ananth Gopal and Kamla Chandar.

Watch it here when it goes live on August 15: