A green campaign for The White Planet

When The White Planet opens in cinemas around the country on 6th September, Australians will have an opportunity not only to experience the fragility and magnificence of the Arctic on the big screen, but also do their bit to help stop climate change. 

Everything we do has an impact on the environment, including going to the movies. For the first time at participating locations, patrons will be able to pay an additional 50c on top of their ticket price to purchase a carbon neutral ticket to The White Planet, offsetting the environmental cost of their cinema visit. 

Easy Being Green has calculated the extra cost based on the total tonnage per cinema divided by the number of max visitors, adding in power use and drink/food consumption, while making certain assumptions for travel to the cinemas. The money will be invested in government-accredited energy efficiency programs in Australian communities which engage local schools, businesses and community groups in a combined education and action campaign on climate change. 

Easy Being Green is sponsoring the theatrical release of The White Planet by calculating and offsetting the carbon footprint created by Madman’s distribution activities. ‘Life on the arctic is clearly under threat from climate change. By making the distribution of The White Planet in Australia carbon neutral, Easy Being Green would like to show that we can all take action on climate change now. In addition to reducing your energy and fuel consumption, offsetting any remaining greenhouse gas emissions you are responsible for is one of the easy and effective actions you can take that drive the immediate reduction of greenhouse gas pollution,’ says Ilja Jute, Carbon Neutral Manager, Easy Being Green 

Madman are also working closely with the Australian Conservation Foundation who have recently launched their Who On Earth Cares initiative. Says Phil Freeman, Australian Conservation Foundation Climate Change Campaigner, ‘The White Planet is an important reminder of our planet’s fragility. I’m sure everyone who sees it will want to do more to stop our polar regions melting away.’

The White Planet has caused Madman to evaluate waste, water and energy emissions across the business and specific goals have been set to reduce greenhouse emissions including planting trees to offset greenhouse emissions, using energy efficient lighting and recycling waste DVDs and CDs. 

Cinemas offering carbon neutral tickets to The White Planet include Palace Cinemas nationally, Cinema Nova, Classic Elsternwick, Sun Yarraville and Cameo Belgrave in Victoria, Trak Cinemas in Adelaide, State Cinema in Hobart and Perth’s Luna Cinemas and Grand Cinema Warwick. 

[release from NIX Co]

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