Australian-based science fiction awards show launched

Press release from 101010 Productions

101010 Productions have partnered with Australia’s award winning production and web entertainment companies TPD Media and Zone4 to introduce a worldwide Film and Television award ceremony unique to the internet.

Battlestar Galactica alumnus, actor Richard Hatch is assisting with the promotion of the media launch of The Apollo Awards at New York Comic Con at the Jacob K. Javits Center, taking place on October 10. This date in binary code, 101010, equals the number 42, known throughout the genre as ‘the meaning of life, the universe and everything’ from the international best seller ‘The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy’ by Douglas Adams. At New York Comic Con, The Apollo Awards team make their official public announcement of the event, and unveil the trophy design and major details of the 2011 awards ceremony.

The Apollo Awards are so named for the Greek and Roman god Apollo. Son of Zeus, Apollo was one of the most significant and influential gods of ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Over the decades, Apollo has appeared in science fiction and fantasy film and television both as the God and also by name, in series such as Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, to cult fantasy adventure shows Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. The realms of mythology, science and science fiction merged when the first NASA moon landing missions were codenamed 'Apollo'.

In the many Film and Television awards given out annually, science fiction and fantasy has never experienced the recognition they deserve, say the creators of the Apollo Awards.

Peter Budd, Director of 101010 Productions said, “What makes The Apollo Awards unique is that the choice is truly and firmly in the hands of the worldwide audience. From the Americas and Europe to Africa, Asia and Oceania, both nominations and votes are in the hands of the people”.

For this global alliance of fans, The Apollo Awards will be delivered online, live and worldwide, rather than through broadcast or cable TV.

Co-creator of the Apollo Awards, Melanie Teychenne-King says, “The internet is the future of television, of breaking down the barriers between regions and time zones. By streaming the award ceremony live across the globe we’re giving everyone the chance to participate on an even level, to know they have ownership of the show.”

The purpose of 101010 Productions, owners and creators of The Apollo Awards, is to unite the worldwide community of science fiction and fantasy audiences and in doing so, create opportunities for the global creative community in developing and producing projects in these genres.

The first teaser trailer for the Apollo Awards is available on YouTube at

Information regarding international business alliances and sponsors will be forthcoming. No further public announcements will be made until November 23rd – the birth date of Boris Karloff, made famous by his roles in the 1930’s Frankenstein films.

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