Deal includes five first-run TV shows, movies, catalogue titles and 10 seasons of Friends.
The free-to-air broadcasters’ audiences collectively are down 9 per cent on last year and further erosion is inevitable with the rise of Netflix and other streaming services.
Based in the US for the past three years, Kieran Darcy-Smith had not seen the Jack Irish telepics when he was offered the gig as set-up director of the spin-off series starring Guy Pearce as a former criminal lawyer turned private investigator.
The deal is worth $185 million per year and includes four premium live games a week, as well as the Finals series and State-of-Origin.
The partnership with media asset management specialist Tedial will extend across the Asia Pacific region.
The case will now go to a full hearing after Seven's application for an interlocutory injunction to restrain broadcast of series was refused.
Gittoes reveals the trials and training involved in the making of his latest documentary, Snow monkey.
One-hundred and fifty clips will be required along with supporting and educational materials.