Film Australia Digital Learning Wins prestigious educational website award

Film Australia congratulates Executive Producer Anna Grieve and the Film Australia Digital Learning team on receiving the Best Secondary Educational Website Award at the 2007 Australian Awards for Excellence in Educational Publishing.

The awards, presented in Melbourne earlier today, recognise outstanding achievement in educational publishing for primary, secondary, TAFE, vocational and tertiary education.

Launched in March this year, Film Australia Digital Learning is a free, national, educational online resource, utilising some of the extraordinary Commonwealth owned audio-visual material managed by the Film Australia library.

At the heart of Film Australia Digital Learning is the Digital Resource Finder. The Finder is a quick and easy-to-use search engine designed for teachers and students featuring free Australian documentary clips to view or download, combined with dedicated curriculum-based notes and class activities written by experienced educators.

‘We are delighted to receive this educational recognition for such an exciting and innovative online use of our archives. Our intention with this site is to provide easy access to our Australian documentary stories,’ said Film Australia Executive Producer Anna Grieve.

With over 1000 digital resources already online, the Finder covers many subject areas including English, Australian History, Indigenous Studies, Civics and Citizenship, Social Education and Visual Arts.

‘This award is terrific recognition of our vision – to curate our moving image collection and produce world-class online educational content for Australian teachers and students,’ said Film Australia CEO Daryl Karp.

An Australian Government-owned company, Film Australia is one of the nation’s leading producers of television documentaries and educational programs.

[release from Avviso PR for Film Australia]

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