Labor win promises to be win for film industry

The Australian Guild of Screen Composers (AGSC) congratulated the Prime Minister elect, Kevin Rudd, and the Australian Labor Party on their win in the Federal election.

Art Phillips, President of the Australian Guild of Screen Composers, stated ‘This past week marks the end of an 11 year era with Labor elected federally. Historically, Labor has shown strong support the Arts. We look to the future with great hope that this change will make for a solid and propelling momentum for our local film industry.’

Jo Smith, Executive Director of the Australian Guild of Screen Composers, stated ‘The Australian film & television industry has been fortunate in having strong Federal Government support for many years, both under the Howard Liberal Government and previously under the Labor governments. A major step forward for the industry was taken in 1975 under Mr Whitlam’s Government with the creation of the Australian Film Commission. The Film Finance Corporation was then created in 1988 under Bob Hawke. We look forward to a continued strong show of support by Labor governments for the industry under the Rudd Government.’

[release from the Australian Guild of Screen Composers]

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