Local regional TV content under the spotlight

Press Release

Determining whether regional Australians have adequate access to material of local significance on commercial television is one of the issues to be covered in a new ACMA investigation.

The ACMA will examine the operation and effectiveness of section 43A of theBroadcasting Services Act 1992, following a ministerial direction.

Section 43A currently applies to regional commercial television broadcasters in Regional Queensland, Regional Victoria, Tasmania and parts of Regional New South Wales. They are required to broadcast minimum amounts of material of local significance.

As part of its investigation, the ACMA will consider whether section 43A should be extended to broadcasters in regional areas, such as those in South Australia and Western Australia.

Regional Australians will be surveyed and economic analysis completed as part of the investigation. Regional commercial television broadcasters will also be consulted.

The ACMA is calling for submissions from the public. Individuals and organisations are encouraged to comment on a range of issues, including: the importance of local information in regional Australia; the availability of local information across media platforms in regional Australia; particular issues faced by television broadcasters in providing local content in regional Australia.

Read the ACMA consultation paper for more information about these issues and how to make a submission.