Motion Picture Industry Benevolent Society calls for donations as cinema industry faces challenging times

The Motion Picture Industry Benevolent Society (MPIBS) has called for donations to help industry participants who are struggling.

“The past three years have been particularly challenging, and while we are grateful for the donations received from colleagues in cinema exhibition, distribution, production, and post-production, the need for fundraising continues to grow,” the MPIBS council said in an email calling for donations.

“To ensure the continuation of the MPIBS’s essential work, we urgently require financial support from every sector of our industry. It is with this in mind that we echo the heartfelt appeal of our chairman, Murray Forrest, urging you to contribute to the vital work of our industry’s charity.”

The screen industry, and cinema owners in particular, have struggled in recent times following extensive pandemic lockdowns, a changing media landscape, and last year’s US industrial action which has weighed heavily on the box office.

In 2022-23, the Society provided $132,699 in direct financial aid to beneficiaries, which included relief and payments to assist with gas, electricity, and phone bills, as well as traditional winter comfort, Christmas cheer, and birthday gifts, according to its annual report.

The Society also provided funding for special hospital treatments, medical insurance, pharmaceutical expenses, computer needs, essential house and car repairs, moving costs, and funeral expenses.

It raised $188,732 through donations across 2022-23 from well-known industry participants, guilds, and large corporations which are listed here.

Donations to the MPIBS can be made at or merchandise bought at