Screen Australia posts new A-Z budgets

Jul 16, 2008

Screen Australia is pleased to announce that updated versions of the A-Z budgets for feature films and documentaries are now available on its website at this link.

The new budgets include templates to assist in calculating qualifying Australian production expenditure (QAPE) for feature film and documentary projects that are eligible to claim the Producer Offset.

The templates have been developed in consultation with highly experienced industry professionals and in conjunction with the Producer Offset and Co–production team at Screen Australia. They are available as downloadable Excel spreadsheets suitable for both PC and Mac environments.

The spreadsheets are supplemented by Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Updates and Corrections documents, which provide useful notes on all the budgets.

The ‘Filming in Australia’ section of the Screen Australia website also contains an extensive range of key production and accounting paperwork to assist producers and production managers preparing feature, documentary, short film, animation and digital media projects.

In addition, a detailed step-by-step guide to the A-Z budget templates is incorporated into The Satchel, the ultimate how-to guide to production budgeting and film management published by the AFC late last year.* The Satchel is available for purchase through Screen Australia at .

*Note that the current edition was published before the introduction of the Producer Offset and the formation of Screen Australia; supplementary updates reflecting these changes will be available some time in 2009.

[release from Lantern Group]