Screen industry conference will return to Sydney

Minister for the Arts Frank Sartor today announced one of Australia’s leading screen industry events ? the Screen Producers Association of Australia (SPAA) Fringe – will return to Sydney this year.

The event will return under a new arrangement between the NSW Film and Television Office and the Screen Producers Association of Australia.

The Iemma Government has committed $40,000 to support the event, which will be held on October 27 and 28.

‘This is a cutting-edge conference for the next generation of screen producers, directors and writers,’ Mr Sartor said.

‘More than 300 screen industry experts from around Australia are expected to attend the two-day event in October at the Chauvel Cinema and Paddington Town Hall.

‘The Iemma Government recognises that the arts and cultural sector helps to drive innovation and investment in the State.

‘The SPAA Fringe encourages innovation through its focus on digital content anddistribution and interaction with the audience such as through on-line forums.

‘Speakers at recent conferences have included the Chaser team and international digital distribution expert Peter Broderick.’

NSW Film and Television Office Chief Executive Tania Chambers said the SPAA Fringe joined a number of major screen industry events to be staged in NSW this year.

Other events to be hosted by NSW include the Australian Directors Guild Conference, the Australian Writers’ Guild (AWGIE) Awards and the Australian Performing Rights Association (APRA) Awards.

‘Attracting SPAA Fringe back to NSW helps to confirm Sydney’s role as a global city,’ Ms Chambers said.

SPAA Executive Director Geoff Brown said: ‘SPAA Fringe is the place where the disconnected can connect. It allows out-there film projects and their filmmakers to come in from the cold and learn about the mainstream industry in a lively and challenging way that’s not about compromising their creativity.’

[release from The Hon Frank Sartor MP]

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