Set in an isolated country town brought to its knees by endless drought, Stan Original series Scrublands opens with a charismatic and dedicated young priest (Jay Ryan) calmly opening fire on his congregation, killing five parishioners.
One year later, investigative journalist Martin Scarsden (Luke Arnold) arrives in the town of Riversend to write what should be a simple feature story on the anniversary of the tragedy. But when his instincts kick in and he digs beneath the surface, the previously accepted narrative begins to fall apart and he finds himself in a life-and-death race to uncover the truth.
Joining Arnold and Ryan in the cast are Bella Heathcote, Zane Ciarma, Adam Zwar, Victoria Thaine, Robert Taylor, Stacy Clausen, Genevieve Morris, and newcomer Ella Ferris.
An Easy Tiger production, the adaptation of Chris Hammer’s novel of the same name is being directed by Greg McLean from scripts written by Kelsey Munro, Jock Serong and Felicity Packard, who also produces alongside David Redman and Easy Tiger’s Ian Collie and Rob Gibson.
Michael Healy and Andy Ryan are executive producing for 9Network with Cailah Scobie and Amanda Duthie for Stan. International sales are being handled by Abacus Media Rights.
Scrublands will premiere November 16, only on Stan.