Sigrid Thornton takes pivotal role in Wentworth season 4

Sigrid Thornton has joined the cast of Wentworth Season 4, which will premiere on Foxtel in 2016.

Thornton is the first actress to have starred in the original Prisoner series to join the cast of Wentworth. 

However, rather than reprising her previous character Ros Coulson, she enters the prison as Sonia Stevens – a new character partially inspired by one originally played by Tina Bursill.

Thornton plays a wealthy but self-made dynamo behind a cosmetics empire.  

She comes into the prison on remand, suspected of the murder of a missing woman.

Foxtel head of drama Penny Win said the fourth season continued the series’ finely-honed evolution as a world class contemporary drama which proudly forges its own path.

“Having Sigrid Thornton sign on to return behind the walls of Wentworth is a casting dream and a wonderful acknowledgement of the work the writing team has put into the creation of Sonia Stevens and our plans for her and all our characters,” she said.

FremantleMedia Australia director of drama, Jo Porter, said Sigrid was always on the top of the casting wish list.

"From the second Sonia Stevens steps from the brawler, there is an unsettling sense all is not as it may seem," she said. 

"I am sure audiences will relish watching Sonia's long game play out across season four.”

Wentworth’s cast and crew have been shooting the new 12 episode season in Melbourne since August.

The story will resume on air next year as Bea and her cell-block mates are returning to Wentworth after the fire and rebuilding of H Block to find a new dynamic in play with a new contender for Top Dog. 

On the outside, Franky is trying hard to be a productive member of society. As always, no-one should underestimate “the Freak”. 

The cast includes Danielle Cormack (Bea Smith), Pamela Rabe (Joan Ferguson), Kate Atkinson (Vera Bennett), Nicole da Silva (Franky Doyle), Celia Ireland (Liz Birdsworth), Shareena Clanton (Doreen Anderson), Katrina Milosevic (Sue “Boomer” Jenkins), Robbie Magasiva (Will Jackson), Socratis Otto (Maxine Conway), Tammy MacIntosh (Kaz Proctor), Libby Tanner (Bridget Westfall), Jacquie Brennan (Linda Miles) and in the course of the season introduces Kate Jenkinson (Allie Novak),  Bernard Curry (Jake Stewart) and Sigrid Thornton (Sonia Stevens).

Wentworth is a FremantleMedia Australia production for Foxtel with Porter and Win as executive producers. 

Pino Amenta is series producer for season four. 

The directors are Kevin Carlin, Steve Jodrell, Jet Wilkinson and Adrian Russell Wills. 

The writers are John Ridley, Pete McTighe, Michael Lucas, Sam Winston and Marcia Gardner, who is both script producer and writer.

Wentworth’s third season has garnered two nominations for The 5th AACTA Awards to be held on December 9 – Best Television Drama Series and Best Lead Actress in a Television Drama for Pamela Rabe. 

Wentworth is distributed by FremantleMedia International and has been sold to 87 countries. 

  1. I loved the last series and thought it was just as spellbinding as the great fire of Wentworth was back in the 80s! I wonder who the new Governor will be- cue Anne Reynolds mk#2? Even the Freak can’t worm her way out of this one and claw her wayback into the driving seat or can she?
    Long may you reign on our screens and if Siegfrieds back, please producers bring back Amanda Muggleton as Chrissie Laytham!

  2. oh don’t u worry… Ferguson will be back 😀 It’s what made her character legendary… she was IMPOSSIBLE to totally defeat until the very last episode of Wentworth!

    Also am extremely excited about Sigrid joining this already amazing cast! She is one of the few actresses that i’ll happy say is on par with Rabe. I just prey we get to see them on screen together at the same time… because damn, that will be like a dance of fire with fire!

  3. OMGGGGGGGGGGG PLEASE DONT TAKE JOAN OUT OF IT HUGEEEEEEEEEE MISTAKE SHES AWSOME she is the only one that could play the gov now i am hoping her an vera team up asnow vera dont have anyone and she wants deputy gov back she will do anything tokeep that post i feel she will be a minni ferguson just to fit in

  4. Went worth TV Drama Series is so addicting ,I watched it till the last episode ,couldn’t even stop to eat. The acting was top notch,you wanted to love hate each character . I wish our TV shows in Canada had a quater of the quality that this show has. I can’t wait for season four.
    Thanks so much


  5. love,love,love this show.Found it on netflix and could not wait to get home from work every day to watch more and get caught up.It is a very addicting show and I can’t wait for season4…such good actors..roses to you’s.

  6. I watched prisoner cell block H when I was a kid…
    I remember all the characters from then… They seem tame compared to this newer version… I LOVE IT!!!
    CANT WAIT FOR SEASON 4 to see what happens to Governor Ferguson after the fire and all the chaos she brought with her… Love the show, keep up the good work

  7. Just did a marathon watch of Wentworth. What clever development of characters and tension! I could not stop watching it! From season 2 through season 3 in 24hrs! Spell binding! Acting that takes Wentworth to a whole new level of prime viewing! It is not often you get to see a TV production where characters are so brilliantly played you would believe they actually existed! And that is precisely why “The Freak” is one of TV’s most mesmerizing characters! I hope you keep her in the show along with Bea, Franky, Liz, Booma, Vera…they become people we know. Somewhere in the back of our minds they exist and we can relate to little open windows of who they are! All I can say to those who write the scripts, play the characters and produce Wentworth, may you last ‘the long game’ as did Prisoner! Brilliant, Brilliant TV!

  8. Have not been able to stop watching Wentworth. Have watched nothing else for 4 nights. Completed the entire 3 seasons. I am thrilled a friend told me about it. ABSOLUTELY as good as it gets! Nothing better on U.S. TV. Thanks to Netfliks & Australian producers. Cannot wait for new season & spending more time with Bea et al.

  9. when will wentworth air in the u.s? I am dying to see it and can’t wait to see what happens. I tried to get foxtel channel, but, u.s doesn’t have a satellite in Australia, we/they need to get a hook up, any ideas????? love aussie tv

  10. Oh my god its nearly time for season 4 🙊😍😁👏🏼
    I know we all are hanging out to see what happens now. I love how they slot introduce new characters and keep the originals around to keep us all happy. As much as I don’t like the freak in the show she did keep u on the edge of your seat of what plan was next 🙂 good to see Franky back but I’m hoping it’s not a break of parole and just a visitation to Booms 😁 and well with Proctor doing time Queen b needs to be careful, I think her and Freak team up that’s why this season is called deadly alliance??? Hmmmm hurry up 10th may 🙂 only 9 more sleeps

  11. I hope Frankie returns not to prision but remains in the show and especially continues her relationship with Bridget. My fav actresses in the series

  12. This has to be one of the finest Autralian made TV series. I started watching this when it first aired and though HoHo another dull and boring TV series. How wrong was I !! I have Foxtel and have hit the green record button, and now I know it will record for the entire series.
    The roles that these ladies play is almost to good to be true but hell do they carry it off well. There is no one actress I like over any other , as they are all so good and have put their all into the making of this great TV series.

    A week in TV is a long time waiting.

  13. OH, THANK GOD! There is a season 4. I just loved Nicole da Silva as Franky in Wentworth. Danielle Cormack, Pamela Rabe, Kate Atkinson,Liz Birdsworth,Aaron Jeffrey and Robbie Magasiva were absolutely fantastic! This is definitely a must see for
    everyone. This out does American TV by a very,very long shot.
    Too bad TV in this country is going downhill. Tune in to Australian TV, it is the best.

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