Writer-director Antony Webb and producer Jaclyn Hewer's 'Carmentis' has won the $5,000 CinefestOz Short Film Prize.
After trying to find ways to reconfigure 'Airborne', a prescient thriller set during a mid-flight pandemic, Zak Hilditch has given up, conceding COVID-19 is far more lethal and scarier than the scenario he envisaged.
Emma Booth has been named an official patron of CinefestOZ, joining other patrons David Wenham, Kelton Pell, Myles Pollard and Barry House.
CinefestOZ will be the first Australian film festival to host screenings for live cinema audiences since the easing of restrictions following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The team behind ‘H is for Happiness’, which won the CinefestOz Film Prize in 2019. August’s CinefestOz is set to...
"Why hasn’t it reached our expectations this weekend is the million dollar question."
"The best way to get people to go to the cinema is to embrace the point of difference from television, enhance the cinematic scale of the work and create narrative experiences that are immersive." - Robert Connolly
John Sheedy’s feature debut 'H is for Happiness', an adaptation of Barry Jonsberg’s young adult novel My Life as an Alphabet, has won this year's $100,000 CinefestOZ Film Prize.