Marina Prior accompanied by John Foreman. Echoing calls by other industry bodies, the Australian Drama Agents’ Association (ADAA), Association of...
With high levels of uncertainty and anxiety commonplace, Ellenor Cox argues we need to stay connected and support one another now more than ever.
Screenwest has launched a $2.5 million sustainability package, designed to temper the crisis facing the industry as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Screen Australia CEO Graeme Mason has flagged an increase in development investment from next month in order to help the industry weather the coronavirus crisis, and the agency is looking at how it can enhance other industry support measures.
As part of the Tasmanian Government’s COVID-19 support package, new funding of $1.5 million and operational measures of over $2 million have been introduced to support the individuals and organisations in the cultural sector.
NZ PM Jacinda Ardern. (Photo: Michael Bradley) All New Zealand-based production will enter hiatus after Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced...
In addition to our usual coverage, our priority is on sharing the most up-to-date developments on COVID-19's impacts on the sector, as well as spotlighting how businesses and individual practitioners are navigating this environment.
Amid production shutdowns and job losses, the ADG, AWG, MEAA and SPA have penned a joint letter to the Federal Government to seek urgent support for the screen industry.