Shooty Skies hits number one on Australian charts and number two on US charts.
The Platform X 2014: Interactive, Multiplatform & Narrative Games Development Lab will be held in Sydney on December 4.
Nine Victorian games development companies have been awarded funding to create a diverse range of games for distribution across any platform thanks to support from the Victorian Coalition Government.
FTI has announced it will provide the only funding in Australia available to WA games makers as part of the organisation’s new games program.
Australian entertainment and media spending grew by 4.5% in 2013, below the global average, and the sector’s growth rate is projected to be even lower in the next five years.
Further to yesterday's Federal Budget announcement, which discontinued the Australian Interactive Games Fund, Screen Australia has announced that, effective immediately, it will not accept any further applications for games funding.
Screen Queensland will present the Kids Content, Games & Convergence conference on Thursday, June 12 and Friday, June 13 2014 at the Griffith Film School, Griffith University, South Brisbane.
Screen Australia has released draft guidelines which outline how it will spend $30 million allocated to the interactive games and multi-platform screen sector.