Natalie Erika James' debut feature 'Relic' has received rapturous reviews after the world premiere in the Midnight section of the Sundance Film Festival.
"You'll find us moving the dial away from what I call 'traditional funding', because last time I checked pretty much anyone under 30 is not watching films. They're not watching our TV. They watch the online stuff. So we're going to move more and more into that space."
Watching the 2015 Melbourne Cup, Rachel Griffiths didn’t initially know there was a female jockey in the race.
“What I am really interested in now is international efforts. I’m very excited about coming to New Zealand to participate in the [Power of Inclusion] summit because what we need to do is create an international coalition of women filmmakers and work in solidarity to unify our efforts."
Having hit its initial Gender Matters target, Screen Australia has set a new KPI: by 2021-22, it hopes that 50 per cent of key creatives across all projects that receive development and production funding are women.
Courtney Botfield, Rebecca Hammond and Sasha Close at the NMF Brilliant Careers Leadership Conference 2017. The Natalie Miller Fellowship (NMF)...
The percentage of female feature film producers in Australia is already well above the global average and continuing to improve.
When US writer Nell Scovell started out in the late 1980s, frequently she was the only female in the writers room.