Writer-director Michael Shanks on ‘Together’

Michael Shanks.

Writer-director Michael Shanks recently gave some behind-the-scenes insight into his feature debut, Together, which will premiere in the Midnight section at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival on January 26.

The movie follows a strained couple, played by married leads Dave Franco and Alison Brie, who experience a supernatural force after trading city life for rural isolation.

“We basically tortured Dave and Alison every day of this shoot — and they didn’t complain once,” Shanks jokingly told the festival in a recent interview.

“They’re incredibly kind, so game for anything, and nobody worked harder on this shoot than they did. Every day we needed them to scream or cry or be thrown around on wires or smash around in cold puddles — the list goes on. But they were indefatigable at every step.”