Oberhausen picks up two local shorts

Australia’s success on the international festival circuit is continuing with the selection of two films into the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, which has announced its 2008 program.

Chainsaw (d: Dennis Tupicoff) has been selected to screen in the International Competition, while Lucille (d: Tali Gal-on) will screen in the Children’s and Youth Film Competition.

Both directors are gaining significant international screenings: Chainsaw has been selected for numerous festivals including the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in June; and another short film from director Tali Gal-on, Crooked, has also been selected to screen at Annecy.

The Oberhausen festival is the longest standing international short film competition in the world. This year it runs 1–6 May.

[release from the AFC]

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