Applications now open for Good Pitch2 Australia


2106 EVENT


GOOD PITCH2 AUSTRALIA is happy to announce that applications are now open for the last in a trilogy of events that will be held at the Sydney Opera House on 8 November 2016.


Since 2014, GOOD PITCH2 AUSTRALIA has secured more than $7 million, in philanthropic funds, for thirteen outstanding documentary feature films, with an additional $500,000+ in pro bono support.


This stunning achievement sets a new international benchmark for Good Pitch forums around the world, and articulates a new pathway for funding, outreach and impact strategies for Australian documentary filmmakers.


Originally created by Britdoc (UK) and the Sundance Institute (US) in 2008, and now with the strong support of the Ford Foundation (US), Good Pitch brings together documentary filmmakers with foundations, not-for-profits, campaigners, philanthropists, policymakers, broadcasters and key players in the film industry, around leading social and environmental issues to forge coalitions and campaigns that are good for all these partners, good for the films and good for society.


With four films from the first 2014 GOOD PITCH2 AUSTRALIA event released—That Sugar Film, Gayby Baby, Frackman and Call Me Dad—the success of the model, based on large audiences and the influencing of policy and social change, is irrefutable:


That Sugar Film has successfully shifted perception and behaviour by focusing on the damage done by sugar masked in so-called “healthy eating”, and reached record-breaking audience numbers for an Australian documentary at the box office;  


Gayby Baby gave voice to children of same sex couples and was an integral part of the marriage equality campaign—at a time when 72% of Australians support marriage equality;


Frackman, a David and Goliath story, galvanized local communities across Australia threatened by Coal Seam Gas drilling;


Call Me Dad was recently broadcast in prime time on ABC 1 as part of the broadcaster’s coverage of White Ribbon Day and their commitment to bringing the problem of domestic violence to national attention.


An award-winning filmmaker and a philanthropist from a corporate background, Ian Darling is also the founder of the Shark Island Institute, Documentary Australia Foundation, Chair and Moderator of GOOD PITCH2AUSTRALIA. He first developed the concept of impact and outreach campaigns for Australian documentaries with his early films The Oasis andPolly & Me. About the marriage of filmmaking, social impact and philanthropy, he says:


“For several years, through the Documentary Australia Foundation, we have been educating documentary filmmakers as well as the philanthropic and not for profit sectors about the power of film to bring about profound social change. Good Pitch2 Australia has taken this idea to a whole new level nationally. With a planned hiatus after the third Good Pitch2 Australia event in 2016, the broader film industry now has the tools and the knowledge to take this concept forward outside the Good Pitch structure.”


GOOD PITCH2 AUSTRALIA has forged more than 120 strategic partnerships with philanthropic, not-for-profit and business communities. Along with funds committed, these partnerships will support production, build audiences and ensure the lasting positive impact of the films. Pro bono services provided include legal support, distribution, venues and editing suites, and marketing.


Executive Director of Good Pitch2 Australia, Malinda Wink commented: “Securing partnerships—be it funding or other forms of support—requires a rigorous strategic approach to achieve the desired outcomes. The small but incredible Good Pitch2 Australia team works all year round with filmmakers on refining their films and long term impact strategies, and on honing their pitching skills, while also communicating directly with the philanthropic sector and other potential committed partners.”


In addition to the philanthropic partnerships, the following community and corporate partners who have offered their resources and expertise to support Good Pitch2 Australia events over the past two years include: The Westpac Group, BUPA,  Unilever, The Australian Conservation Foundation, The National Rural Health Alliance, NRL, Rugby Union Players Association, The Australian Human Rights Commission, Business Council of Australia, Amnesty International, YMCA, Carer’s Australia, Australia Progress, World Wildlife Fund, The Ford Foundation (US), BRITDOC (UK), Bertha Foundation (UK), The Fledgling Fund (US),  GetUp, The Funding Network, White Ribbon, The George Institute for Global Health, Diabetes Australia, Dumbo Feather, Jubilee Australia, Lock The Gate, Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care, AIME, Jubilee Australia, Chicken & Egg Pictures (US), Chicago Media Project (US), Impact Partners (US), the Sundance Institute (US), Pro Bono Australia and Philanthropy Australia.


Applications for GOOD PITCH2 AUSTRALIA 2016 are open now and close 11 March 2016.


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