A Cheeky Little’s Kangaroo Beach, created by Tim Bain, follows four young animal friends as they share an action-packed summer of surf, sun and san. The 26-part series will premiere on the ABC January 25, 2021, with a special sneak peak Boxing Day (December 26).
The voice cast includes Kitty Flanagan, Matt Hardie and Rupert Degas. The scripts were penned by Charlotte Rose-Hamlyn, Simon Dodd, Sam Carroll and Bain, with executive producers including Patrick Egerton, David Webster, Tim Bain, Andrea Gorfolova, Ashley Rite and Lisa Zong.
The series received major production investment from Screen Australia, UYoung and the ABC, and was financed with support from Screen NSW and Fulcrum Media Finance. Sonar Entertainment, UYoung and Infinite Frameworks will distribute internationally.