ABC jumps into mine drama

Jul 14, 2008

Deep underground mines, gaping pits and the vast expanse of the Australian desert are the backdrop for Dirt Game, the new six-part ABC TV drama series, which starts filming this week.

Written by Michael Harvey and produced by David Taft and Michael Harvey, Dirt Game delves into one of Australia’s oldest and riskiest pursuits – mining. It tells the story of the industry’s men and women – from the faction-torn board, to the workers at the hazardous ore face – striving to save a proud, if crippled Australian firm.

UK oil executive Brian Jardine (Gerald Lepkowski) and Australian geologist Megan Kerr (Freya Stafford) have been given six months to turn the company’s fortunes around. Up for the challenge is a strongly committed specialist team made up of engineer Max Mees (Shane Connor), ex-unionist Shane Bevic (Joel Edgerton) and former environmentalist Caz Cohen (Katie Wall), With boardroom backstabbing, growing safety and environmental issues, financial pressures and employee unrest, the odds are stacked against them.

Helping bring Dirt Game to life are two of Australia’s leading directors, Brendan Maher (Spooks, Silent Witness, The Society Murders, MDA) and Grant Brown (Underbelly, McLeod’s Daughters, Blue Heelers).

ABC TV Executive producer Amanda Higgs says, “What a thrill it is to be working with such a terrifically, talented cast, to be directed by the enormously experienced, stylish Brendan Maher and Grant Brown – and bringing to our screens the spectacular locations of the mining communities of remote Australia. As crucial as these industries are to our everyday lives, they are often under represented in drama and we look forward to bringing this original series to ABC1.”

Producer David Taft says “After many years of fruitful development in collaboration with the ABC, we are proud to be finally starting production on a drama series which tells the story of such an iconic Australian endeavour, through strong scripts, fabulous directors and crew and a wonderful cast.”

Dirt Game will be shot on location over the next nine weeks in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia.

Production Credits: A Harvey Taft Production in association with the FFC, Film Victoria and Omnilab. Produced by David Taft and Michael Harvey. ABC TV Head of Drama Miranda Dear and ABC TV Executive producer Amanda Higgs.

[release from ABC TV]