Puppet-based television series Beep and Mort follows the action-packed adventures of Beep, a robot from the stars, and Mort, a cuddly creature from Mollyvale. Although they come from worlds apart, they’re the best of friends.
With Beep’s spaceship perched nearby, the story aims to strike a balance between joyful reverence for the natural world and excitement for new technology.
Based on Windmill Theatre Company’s award-winning theatre show, Beep and Mort is directed by Rosemary Myers and produced by Kaye Weeks, with production design from Jonathon Oxlade and original music by Harry Covill.
The writing team for the series comprises Charlotte Rose Hamlyn, Simon Butters, Amy Stewart, Hunter Page-Lochard, Wendy Hanna, and Lorin Clarke.
The Windmill Pictures production was developed and produced in association with the ABC and received major production funding from Screen Australia, while also being financed and developed with the South Australian Film Corporation. It is being distributed by ABC Commercial.
Beep and Mort premieres Monday, October 10 at 8.10am on ABC Kids and ABC iview, with new episodes to air weekdays thereafter.