Cate Shortland a huge success at Metro Screen

‘Cate was completely inspiring with her all round knowledge and suggestions for practical application.’ – Craig Boreham, participant.

Last weekend an ecstatic group of people attended a workshop on Directing with Cate Shortland at Metro Screen.

‘The workshop reminded me of what I love about filmmaking.’ Cate Shortland.

Cate’s focus with the course was on finding the truth in the story you are telling. The course included script breakdown and analysis, casting, rehearsals, working with actors on set (both TV & film), the dynamic between director and cast/crew, sound & music (and much more). 

On the Sunday, six actors worked with the students giving them hands on experience and helpful insights into the actors’ responses to different directing styles. Cate demonstrated various techniques with the actors and then students volunteered to direct in front of the class, using Cate’s techniques and some of their own. The result was fascinating to watch, and Cate encouraged discussion on what worked, why the directors (and actors) had made certain choices and how they could all push themselves further to gain a deeper truth from the script.

‘Having the opportunity to be directed by Cate was a really unique and exciting experience. Cate is truly an actor’s director. Her tools for working with the actors in the course were practical and clear as she provided us with a great opportunity to play and explore on the floor. Cate’s joy for the work is contagious and as an actor, it was an invaluable session to be a part of.’ Emma Wood, participating actor.

Metro Screen is about fostering filmmakers and screen practitioners in NSW. Our training includes full time study, short courses and master classes in film, video, TV and screen. Combining working professionals with aspiring filmmakers allows Metro Screen to grow the local industry.

‘Her knowledge and level of experience was so rich and wonderful. She was very generous in sharing her experience.’ – Katharine Rogers, participant.

To find out more about Metro Screen’s training opportunities including our tailored skills based education contact us today. 02 9361 5318 &
[release from Metro Screen]

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