Chick Flick: Alpha Male wins Gold Remi Award

Press release from Imaginites


Chick Flick: Alpha Male starring newcomer Debbie Dreschler and Gabriel Cruz has just won a prestigious Gold Remi Award for Best Film in the Romance Category at the 43rd Houston Texas Worldfest Film Festival, the world’s longest and largest film festival.

The film is a quirky look at the dating scene, and tells the story of an Aussie 30s-something career woman who suddenly wakes up and realizes she better get married quick or true love and a family will pass her by. It certainly doesn’t look good as all her friends are now married with children.


Debbie meets her match, a young Latin American visiting Australia for a rodeo-tournament—who wants nothing more than his freedom. When he discovers that she is in a heightened state of desperation and that she will just about do anything, including all the wooing, he takes full advantage of Debbie’s advances, resulting in a hilarious reversal of roles.


With situations unlike what traditional Hollywood romance-formula normally presents, Chick Flick is as innovative in storyline as it is in its filming technique, having taken more than a year filming and editing. “This was a much simpler project with fewer special effects,” said the director who left most of the post production work to his editing and sound design team, while he focused on his main project, an action adventure called Strongmen, scheduled to be released in 2011.

Chick Flick: Alpha Male is written and directed by Michael Garcia with a soundtrack filled with international hit romance songs. The film is in line for further nominations, some of which will be announced later this year.

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