'Jill Bilcock: Dancing the Invisible'.
16 projects will share in over $3.2 million from Film Victoria, including a feature-length portrait of veteran editor Jill Bilcock (Strictly Ballroom, Muriel’s Wedding, The Dressmaker).
Jill Bilcock: Dancing the Invisible is also being supported by Screen Australia. Likewise feature doc Leunig: A Tale in 16 Parts, directed by Fell's Kasimir Burgess, and 2040, a highconcept hybrid documentary from Damon Gameau (That Sugar Film).
10 television projects and one VOD project also received funding, including new seasons of Offspring, Wrong Girl and animation Jar Dwellers SOS. Film Vic will assist five trainees to work on Jar Dwellers at animation studio Viskatoons.
Another Victorian animation team, Chocolate Liberation Front (The Adventures of Figaro Pho) have also received funding for new series Larry the Wonderpug.
In documentaries, WTFN’s Ask The Doctor for the ABC will look at the future of health care in Australia, December Media’s Great Barrier Reef 3D Australia’s will showcase the titular reef on the big screen, and Paper Trails will explore the life of Australian writer, broadcaster, filmmaker and social commentator Anne Deveson.