First-time Aussie filmmaker to shoot in Venezuela

The ruthless world of the Venezuelan slums and the football fields of Caracas are the settings for Rohan Jones and Marcel Rasquin’s debut feature Hermano (Brotherhood).
Hermano tells the story of sixteen-year-old Daniel, a brilliantly talented football player, and his struggle to give his family a better life. 
The film is financed by Venezuela’s national film commission, Centro Nacional Autonomo de Cinematografia (CNAC), while the script has been developed with the assistance of Film Victoria through its New Feature Writer’s Scheme.
Co-writers and co-directors, Jones and Rasquin, met at the VCA Film School in 2003, when both were undertaking postgraduate degrees. Rasquin, a Venezuelan national, has since returned to Caracas, and Jones, a Melbournian, will be making his third trip there this month to commence pre-production.
“In the barrios [shanty-towns] of Venezuela opportunities are rare. Instead, they are sought after, hunted down or bought – then held onto with both hands. Often the only chance to improve a situation is by turning to crime or by excelling at sport” explains Rasquin. 
Hermano plays on, and confronts, the idea of ‘poor boys make good on sporting world stage’. For every possible Ronaldinho, Zidane and Maradona that makes it, guaranteeing them fame and fortune for the rest of their lives, there are countless others who die on the streets, become drug addicts or waste away in obscurity. Sport really represents a way out of poverty, but at the same time – what other talents are lost amongst the disadvantage endemic to South America and other developing countries around the world?” says Jones. At its heart Hermano is a story of a family striving for unity and survival in an increasingly insecure and violent world – something we can all relate to, but an issue heightened within the world of a South American barrio.”
Casting of the film will draw on both professional actors and non-actors. Brazilian Chris Duurvoort will work alongside Jones and Rasquin, casting the lead roles and preparing the kids for filming. Duurvoort brings a wealth of experience in this domain having worked as the Acting Coach on City of God as well as the TV series City of Men and Fernando Meirelles’ latest movie Blindness.
The shoot is scheduled to begin in Venezuela in November this year.

[release from Limelight PR]

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