From Parts Unknown

Strongman Pictures, in association with PCWe, today announced that it will commence principal photography for the independent feature film, From Parts Unknown on Oct 6th 2007. From Parts Unknown is described as a romantic-comedy/science-fiction/horror story about video games, professional wrestling, top-secret nano-technology gone wrong, and
the end of the world.
PCWe is Australia’s longest running, and best, Professional Wrestling promotion. It comprises the top wrestling talent in the Australia, including the likes of Chris Knight, Carlo Cannon, Mr Big, Trent Brash, Matt Silva and many more. PCWe run regular live shows around Melbourne, and operate a professional wrestling training school called the SLAM Academy. For more information on PCWe and their events visit
‘Strongman Pictures is excited to have PCWe involved in this film’, said Daniel Armstrong, Director of From Parts Unknown.’ Through their organisation we have the opportunity to approach the best professional wrestlers in the country and a chance to involve them in the production’. Armstrong confesses to being a life-long pro-wrestling fanatic and admits that working with the best in the business on a film about professional wrestling is ‘like a dream come true’.
‘We’ve just started rehearsals and training with our cast’, Armstrong explains, ‘and have signed Rebecca Bolton (from PCWe) as our Pro-Wrestling Technical Advisor. She’s been involved in the audition process and will be working with some of our actors in an effort to teach them a little bit about pro-wrestling. It will certainly be something unique for our cast to add to their resumes’.
From Parts Unknown will be shot over a three month period, beginning October 6th 2007. Follow progress at Strongman Pictures website ( ) or through their myspace page ( )
Strongman Pictures Pty Ltd is a film and video production company based in Melbourne, Australia, currently developing and seeking finance for a slate of in-house feature films for international distribution. Contact Strongman Pictures on: or +61(0)400 589 608.
PCWe (Pro Championship Wrestling Entertainment) is Australia’s longest running and best professional wrestling promotion, currently performing regular shows in Melbourne and developing a TV pilot. 
[release from Strongman Pictures]

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